Thursday, October 15, 2009


"The disciple always looks only to his master...only by following Christ alone can he preserve a single eye. His eye rests wholly on the light that comes from Christ, and has no darkness or ambiguity to it. As the eye must be single, clear and pure in order to keep light in the body, as hand and foot can receive light from no other source save the eye, as the foot stumbles and the hand misses its mark when the eye is dim, as the whole body is in darkness when the eye is blind; so the follower of Christ is in the light only so Long as he looks simply to Christ and at nothing else in the world. Thus the heart of the disciple must be set upon Christ alone. If the eye sees an object which is not there, the whole body is deceived. If the heart is devoted to the mirage of the world, to the creature instead of the Creator, the disciple is lost.

What are we really devoted to? That is the question. Are our hearts set on earthly goods? Do we try to combine devotion to them with loyalty to Christ? Or are we devoted exclusively to Him? The light of the body is the eye, and the light of the Christian is his heart. If the eye be dark, how great is the darkness of the body! But the heart is dark when it clings to earthly goods, for then, however urgently Jesus may call us, his call fails to find access to our hearts. Our hearts are closed, for they have already been given to another. As the light cannot penetrate the body when the eye is evil, so the word of Jesus cannot penetrate the disciple's heart so long as it is closed against it. The word is chocked like seed which was sown among thorns, chocked 'with cares and riches and pleasures of this life'...Our hearts have room only for one all-embracing devotion, and we can only cleave to one Lord. Every competitor to that devotion must be hated." (The Cost Of Discipleship, Bonhoeffer. p.192,193,196)


K.R. Pent said...

Did you use this in your sermon, Dad? Glad you're liking it. May have to get you a copy since Kev doesn't seem to be thinking of giving yours back. ;)

Thanks for your note on my blog.

Love you.

Tessa D. Silvas said...

Hello Mr. Pent!

What a wonderful excerpt! It is sooo encouraging to read what God lays on other peoples heart!

How have you been doing? Is fall showing itself up there?!

Was that a quote from a movie you left on my blog? I didn't recognize it, but figured it was from a movie. *Grin*


Because HE is Good, Tessa