Wednesday, December 31, 2014


The New Year stands before us
The signs speak loud and clear
The end-time is upon us
The choice you make is here.

The prophets tell of trouble
Of Nations in distress
With war and famines growing
Of death and loneliness.

Ten Nations, Daniel tells us
Will form a single head
And one will try to charm us
By rising from the dead.

The Beast will form a treaty
With Jew and Arabs, too
And all the world will wonder
Can lasting peace be true?”

Then from the Temple throne
The antichrist will speak
As Armageddon forces
Around Jerusalem meet.

The sun will then grow dimmer
The moon will hide its face
As angels pour out judgment
Upon the human race.

A choice demands an answer
You cannot neutral be
Its either Christ or Satan
That marks your destiny.

B. Pent

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


The Keeper missed it all!
It was a busy time, you know
With weary travelers needing rest
The Inn was full, he did his best.

The knock seemed out of place
“No vacancy” was clear to all
There was no room left anywhere
For Nazareth folk for him to share.

A noise was heard next door!
The lowing sheep and cattle stall
Was found to be the only place
For God's dear Son to find a space.

The Virgin soon gave birth
Upon a dirty stable floor
The Baby's cry was heard that night
While angels bathed the earth in light.

The Keeper missed it all!
The promised King had come to earth!
Had he but known, would he have shared
Some little space? Would he have cared?

Yet Christmas comes again
And yuletide music fills the air
Stop long enough to hear His voice
He knocks and waits! Make Him your choice.

B. Pent

Saturday, December 20, 2014


It took nine months before that cry was heard!
The strangers could not find a room that night
Yet labor pains had forced them from the Inn
To find a stable bed to birth a King.

The Virgin Mary wiped His tears away
While Joseph cleaned the stable cave that day
The Baby's cry once heard on Christmas morn
Foreshadowed days His heart for man was torn.

One day beside the tomb of His dear friend
The Savior wept because of sin's dread curse
He later cried when Judah turned from grace
By spewing hate upon His thorn crowned face.

On Calvary's hill a painful cry was heard
Oh! why have You forsaken Me, My God?”
Another cry soon echoed through the night
Tetelestai! then Satan fled from sight.

One final cry will shake the world again
The Lord Himself from heav'n to earth descend
The Church in White will rise to meet the Groom
His promise to return is very soon.

B. Pent

Monday, December 15, 2014


A thousand gifts may come your way
To bring you joy this Christmas day
With brilliant lights around the tree
For every boy and girl to see.
Yet if you miss the One who came
There is no joy that will remain.

Sweet carols fill the ethereal sky
Like angel choirs once sang on high
Of peace on earth to every man
While Christmas memories fill the land.
But fear can tear the life apart
If Christ no longer rules the heart.

As busy shoppers seek to find
The perfect gift with love in mind
A voice breaks through life’s empty space
Give Christ a chance to fill its place!”
For if you fail to crown Him King
There is no lasting peace within.

God’s greatest Gift came down to earth
So we can have redemption’s birth
He is enough, so please take heed
Receive His Son, that’s all you need.
Then you will find fulfilled in Him
Life’s deepest joy without, within

--B. Pent

Monday, December 8, 2014


The star appeared! The eastern sky
Burst from its lair as if to shout:
A Light has dawned! The Day is come!
Prepare the way to birth a Son!”

Before the ages came to be
Eternal plans were set in place
The prophets had foretold His Birth
God's special Gift to men on earth.

The Virgin Mary then was told
That Deity would fill her womb
The Word in flesh became a Son
Emanuel, the promised One!

The shepherds heard the angels sing
That Jesus was that new born King
Then wise men later saw the star
And came to worship from afar.

Behold the Lamb of God!” claimed John
Whose blood took on the sinner's curse
Is now the offer of His grace
To every child of Adam's race.

The Star of David is that Light
Who is the Source of truth and life
Come unto Me” He calls today
He'll walk beside you all the way.

B. Pent

Saturday, November 22, 2014


Mystery moments are the gemstones
That are found by searching hearts
Digging deep within the mine shafts
Of God's Word in all its parts.

Genesis through Revelation
Holds the key each wonder shares
From the mystery of creation
To God's call from earthly cares.

Eden's mystery tells the story
Of the chasm caused by sin
And the promise of a Savior
That would offer peace within.

Priest and prophets shared their vision
Of Messiah's virgin birth
Of His death and resurrection
His return again to earth.

Yet the story most intriguing
Is the mystery of the Church
His indwelling holy Presence
With its waiting Bride on earth.

Heaven's Bridegroom is the Savior
Who laid down His life for you
You can have a mystery moment
If you trust the Savior too.

B. Pent

Monday, November 17, 2014


The trumpet alerted the angels to come
To gather together before the White Throne
The Father announced a miraculous plan
That Jesus would take on the flesh of a man.

Amazement and wonder were seen in their eyes
A virgin would birth heaven's infinite Prize
The ones who were chosen to break the Good News
Appeared to some shepherds, the lowliest of Jews.

All Glory to God!” was the theme of their song
Lasting peace, was the Gift awaited so long
Emanuel’s coming to Bethlehem's stall
Was God's only Son with salvation for all.

The shepherds and magi who worshiped this King
Saw Him as Messiah; their freedom He'd bring
The path from the stable was marked by a cross
They did not see then, how much it would cost!

While angels rejoiced at the birth of God's Son
Redemption for man through His death would be won
Each sinner partaking the Savior's new birth
Brings praise from the angels in heaven and earth.
B. Pent

Monday, October 20, 2014


Holy Father, in your Presence
Where all pretense flees from sight
Free the guilt of sin that binds me
Bathe me in Shekinah Light.

Holy Jesus torn asunder
For my sin Your blood atone
Let the crimson Fountain wash me
Offering praise to You alone.

Holy Spirit fill this vessel
Let pure worship flood each part
So in joyful, glad surrender
All true praise flows from my heart.

Holy is the ground I stand on
Sweetest praise I offer now
Lifting heart-filled adoration
Jesus Lord before You bow.
B. Pent

Friday, September 5, 2014


The clock of time that filled my days
With gifts of pain combined with praise
Were heaven's thorns to lead my path
To where sweet flowers always last.

Paintings of birds and boats off shore
The home I've loved, I've traded for
The sounds and sights beyond compare
A place my Savior planned with care.

I heard the songs the angels sing
I felt the stirring of their wings
I wish you could have seen that sight
While heading Home; my upward flight!

I saw the lights within the Gate
The call to come! I could not wait!
For in the endless arms of grace
I felt a welcome to that Place.

The curse of death has been removed
All tears have ceased to flow today
Now in the presence of the King
I have no need for anything.
--B. Pent

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


(Through the lens of I Corinthians 13)

If I could speak with the tongues
   of impeccable elocution and oratorical perfection
   but fail to communicate
I'm a tool of confusion and a threat to dialogue.

Though I master the English language
   reflecting the eloquence of Cicero
   or capturing a breath of Shakespearean splendor
And though I have faith
   the mountains of verbal and non-verbal prejudice be removed 
   but don't lovingly communicate, I'll get nowhere!

If I share my knowledge with the ignorant
   and spend a lifetime delivering flowery speeches
   but don't communicate,
I haven't gained a thing.

Actually, communicating with people begins:
   with patience – learning the art of good listening
   with kindness – not rudely interrupting.
Never forcing your own ideas 
        or repelling the opinion of others.

Effective communication shows up:
   in accepting people for who they are
   in listening to what is said
        without making them feel stupid for bringing it up
And empathetically trying to understand their feelings.

Communication shows real concern:
   when someone else is talking
   is glad when a constructive idea is presented
And works toward a correct syllogism
     through a mutual exchange of ideas.

Communication involves:
   pooling all suggested ideas
   recognizing individual effort in the process
   being sensitive to the Spirit's timing in concluding the matter.

Real communication never ends:
   as for poor attitudes 
       they will hinder and break down communication
   as for catchy phrases or vague generalities 
       they will not hold up
   as for meaningless cliches – they will fade away.

My words, thoughts and actions since childhood
   are but faint memories now that I'm maturing
   even though I tend to see issues 
        through the mirrored reflections of selfishness
But with God's help change is possible!

Now I only piece the communication puzzle as I see it
   but in time I'll understand it better
   just as God perfectly understands
   and lovingly communicates to me.

So then:
   correct words may influence the mind
   and patiently sharing, can motivate the listener
   but only loving communication can change a life.
--B. Pent

Friday, August 8, 2014


     In his book Why Am I Afraid To Love, John Powell tells about a Jew named Mike Gold who was the philosopher of American Communism in the 1920's.  After communism fell into general disrepute in this country, Mike Gold became a man of oblivion.  During that time he wrote a book about his life.  In describing his childhood in New York City, Mike tells of his mother's instructions never to wander beyond four certain streets.  She could not tell him that it was a Jewish ghetto, nor that he had the wrong kind of blood in his veins.  Children don't understand prejudice.  It is a poison that must gradually seep into a person's blood.

     In his narration, Mike Gold tells of the day curiosity lured him beyond the four streets, outside of his ghetto, and how he was accosted by a group of older boys who asked him a puzzling question: "Hey kid, are you a kike?"  "I don't know" was his reply.  He had never heard the word before.  The older boys came back with a paraphrase of their questions.  "Are you a Christ-killer?"  Again, the small boy responded, "I don't know."  He had never heard that word before.  So the older boys asked him where he lived, and trained like most small boys to recite their address in the case of being lost, Mike Gold told them where he lived.  "So you are a kike, you are a Christ-killer.  We're going to teach you to stay where you belong!"  And so they beat the little boy, blooded his face and tore his clothes and sent him home to the jeering litany: :We are Christians and you killed Christ!  Stay where you belong!  We are Christians, and you killed Christ..."

     John Powell then tells what happened after he got home, and years later.  When his frightened mother saw Mike Gold, she asked him: "What happened to you, Mike?"  He could only answer: "I don't know."  "Who did this to you, Mike?"  Again he answered: "I don't know."  And so the mother washed the blood from the face of her little boy and put him into fresh clothes and took him into her lap as she sat in a rocker trying to soothe him.  Mike Gold recalled so much later in life that he raised his small battered lips to the ear of his mother and asked: "Mama, who is Christ?"

     Mike Gold died in 1967.  His last meals were taken at a Catholic Charity house in New York City, run by Dorothy Day.  She once said of him: "Mike Gold eats every day at the table of Christ, but he will probably never accept Him because of the day he first heard His name."  And so Mike Gold died!

Saturday, July 26, 2014


 There is a strange substance in chemistry known as selenium.  When placed in the dark, it serves as an insulator and electricity cannot pass through it.  But as soon as light is flashed upon it, it becomes a conductor and an electric current can flow through it. Jesus stated in John 8:12, "I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."Then He commanded us to: "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven" (Matt.5:16).  In God's world, you and I are just like a piece of selenium.  If we stay in the dark and do not allow the Light of Christ to shine upon us, we become insulators.  No current of love will be able to flow through us and the world will not see the Christ!  But as soon as we subject ourselves to His Light, we become conductors of God's love in a dark world.  I fear the Christian today has become more of an insulator than a conductor of Light.  We seem to be more concerned about our buildings or our man-made creeds than about bringing others to a saving faith in Christ.

     Canon Weded tells a parable of a lifesaving station.  It was established on a dangerous seacoast where many ships had been wrecked.  Again and again its brave volunteers went into dangerous waves to rescue many from drowning.  Often those who were saved joined the corps and, as it grew, it put up sheds for its boats and a shelter for those pulled from the sea.  Later, it erected a building where the victims of shipwreck could be made more comfortable.  The members took great pride in their building. So they added eating facilities, game rooms and a lounge.  As the station grew in prestige, others wanted to join.

     In time, the members hired workers to do the lifesaving while they kept up the facilities.  One day the members met and decided to discontinue the station's lifesaving feature altogether.  They wanted it to become more of a club-like atmosphere.  But a number of them protested, arguing that they had abandoned their primary objective of saving lives.  So they resigned and started a real lifesaving station down the coast. But as the years passed, the new station went through the same development until another group pulled out and started over. 

     If you visit that seacoast today, you will find a whole series of exclusive clubs, up and down the shore.  None of these clubs have much interest in lifesaving any more, although there are still many shipwrecks in those waters needing lifesavers.

     Philip Bliss penned these words: "Trim your feeble lamp, my brother; some poor sailor tempest tossed, trying now to make the harbor, in the darkness may be lost."  The world has lost the faith because the Church has lost its fire. We have been Lighted to Shine by the Light of Life.

      Let us seek once again to be re- ignited by the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8) so we might bring the Light of Life to this sin-dark world.   


Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Once I stood in grave clothes
Bound by sin and shame
Then the voice of Jesus echoed
Loose those chains!” then freedom came!

All at once its grip was broken
Satan’s power no longer ruled
Sin had lost its claim upon me
On redemption’s Rock I stood.

Heaven’s Light burst all around me
Sin’s dark shadow hid its face
All the past was now forgiven
In the fullness of His grace.

Then the shouts of victory sounded
Songs of praise were lifted high
As the cross of Jesus conquered
Hallelujah’s filled the sky!
---B. Pent

Thursday, March 20, 2014


The Soldier stood before the Captain of the Guard
The wounded lay between the living and the dead
The battlefield was marked by stains of blood from war
Now only memories follow those still left on shore.

Their graves are marked with epitaphs on marbled stone,
And every year the tears still fall in silent groans
The Purple Heart was his, not ours to hold with pride
He is the hero in the grave who fought and died!

The Captain of the Guard then spoke in accent clear
Where did you go when bugle called to face the foe?”
The Soldier, trembling answered, that he ran away
He was afraid of fatal wounds or scars that day.

Just then there flashed across the Eastern sky, a Cross,
The scars of Battle could be seen on hands and side
The Captain bore those wounds in love for you and me
So through His death enslaved mankind could be set free.

We are the Soldiers that are called to fight the Foe
It is for each to use the Sword while here below
The question that disturbs and moves my heart by far
Is what we'll tell Him if we have no wound or scar!

--B. Pent

Sunday, March 9, 2014


As we reflect on how our lives are spent
How golden years like mist soon disappear
The talents given us as gifts to serve
Were meant to lift man’s burdens and give cheer.

The footprints left along the shores of time
With youthful hopes like castles in the sand
If unfulfilled – are only empty dreams
Without true purpose placed within our hand.

So transient is our pilgrimage below
And God has given limits to our days
A second chance is not within our grasp
Since deeds of love are ours to bring Him praise.

Review your life before the Reaper calls
Don't let regrets enslave you to the past
Live daily with eternity in view
For faithful service done for Christ will last.
--B. Pent

Sunday, March 2, 2014


The winter's chill seems here to stay
The sound of joy has taken flight
The sun that once shown bright and clear
Has given way to shades of night.

The wounds are deep that pierce the soul
The cooing of the Dove is gone
The empty space that once was filled
No longer hears the blue bird's song.

How can one find the road back home
Where music calls the heart to dance?
When will the birds begin to sing
So Spring is not a game of chance?

The summer rays that warm the soul
Are Spirit borne on wings of praise
Just trust the One Whose promise stands
His music will renew your days.
--B. Pent

Thursday, February 27, 2014


In blazing light an awesome sight!
A throne appears in dazzling white.

It is no dream that goes away
As one awakes the light of day.

No demon there now locked in Hell
Can take the blame for Adam’s shame.

Yet in that throng where myriads stand
God's justice must His law demand.

So from that Throne a voice speaks clear
Re-echoing forth for all to hear!

In bright array the Lamb is seen
With nail-scared hands so pure and clean.

Then He Himself like thunder speaks!
As man in fear excuses seeks.

The question asked for all who come:
What have you done with Christ, God's Son?”

The wrenching cries can then be heard
Man's stubborn will rejects His Word.

Consuming flames, sulfuric Lake
All who refuse will there partake.
--B. Pent

Thursday, February 13, 2014


A drifter through life
A rebel at heart
A beggar through time
Alone from the start.

All thoughts are on self
Roulette is the game
The dice is the gamble
No thought and no shame.

The goal? instant pleasure
The moment is here
Postponing of payment
A heart without fear.

The will is the master
Unyielding and proud
Refusing to listen
Unbroken and loud

Enslaving the soul
The darkness: its cell!
Demanding a toll
Hard heart-ed as hell.

The spirit unbending
Refusing to hear
The call to surrender
No conscience or fear.

The morning is coming
When judgment demands
The payment for waiting
Eternally damned!
--B. Pent

Friday, February 7, 2014


I look out my window
And see the oak tree
So strong and unbending
Deep rooted and free.

The winds of Northeaster
That blew in the Fall
Have stolen the beauty
Few leaves left at all!

The snow now has covered
The ground where it stands
Yet branches reach outward
With uplifted hands.

I see a leaf clinging
So cold and alone
Still wanting a reason
For staying so long.

The sun seems to whisper
That soon Spring will come
The warmth will awaken
A new day begun.

The sap is all ready
To flow through the trees
The summer is calling
Come shade us with leaves!”
--B. Pent

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


JOY met HAPPINESS one day
Along the rock-strewn path of life
The answer they both sought to find
Was how to gain real peace of mind.

Each one was given time to choose
In trials that would test their faith
The daily strength that JOY embraced
Was trusting God's fulfilling grace.

But verdant fields drew HAPPINESS
Where earthly toys and pleasures lay
The search for gain and earthly store
Became the quest for wanting more.

When time began to test the soul
While facing pressures all around
Their choice revealed if trust and faith
Was found in God's abundant grace.

JOY early learned to trust God's Word
Whose promise He would always keep
If heaven's kingdom became first
He then would quench all earthly thirst.

By chance they met another day.
The searching heart of HAPPINESS
Expressed a need to find a way
To fill that void that leads astray.

God's simple plan was then revealed
For earthly things that weigh the soul.
JOY fills the vacuum of each heart
Where Christ becomes a living part.
--B. Pent

Monday, January 13, 2014


Today you walk life's path alone
And sorrow tempts your heart to fear
Your shattered dreams drive faith from sight
While in the dark you seek for light.

God feels your pain! He sees your tears!
It is the cross He chose for you
He'll help you bear the strain and stress
While passing through this wilderness.

He is the Rock on which to stand
His Word, the Light that marks the way
His promised peace will rule your heart
As faithfully you do your part.

So ask Him now to light your path
Your night will yield a brighter day
He'll carry you with gentle hand
As you fulfill His perfect plan.
--B. Pent

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


"Poetry is when emotion has found its thought and the    thought has found its words" (Robert Frost)

"Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks" 


"Poetry is an echo asking a shadow to dance" 

 (Carl Sandberg)

"Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words"

(Edger Alan Poe)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


       (Daniel 2 & 7)
Were you ever asleep
and awoke with a start
by a dream that seemed real
with some monster at your heel?
With a sudden surprise
as I opened my eyes
some giant-like screen
dropped down from the skies.

I sat there amazed
like a vision ablaze
there were beasts coming near
and I shuddered with fear.
there were lions and bears
with a leopard around
yet no one to rescue
no help to be found.

Then a monster-like Beast
indescribably cruel
with ten horns on it head
arose to its feet
and like Rome with its iron
in league with the clay
it was weakened in strength
and began to decay.

Looking closer I found
in the midst of its horns
a master-deceiver
proclaimed as the Christ
arose from this vision
like a demon from hell
and with wondrous signs
began to foretell

The world was amazed
that this leader from Rome
could so quickly arise
to Europe's gold throne
but a treaty of peace
was signed with the Jews
and the Temple was built
with deception it's ruse.

Then a Dragon was seen
with its fury unleashed
with destruction and death
causing pain and distress
knowing soon his demise
would reveal his disguise
with the kingdoms of earth
giving way to new birth.

Then a Stone could be seen
rolling down from a cliff
making scum of this Frame
bringing Nations to shame
for the word of His mouth
will make dust of this clod
and the earth will give birth
to the kingdom of God.

Then the heavens rejoiced
as the King took His throne
with the Bride at His side
who in Christ did atone
for a thousand year reign
the rule of His peace
will spread through the earth
and all wars will then cease.
--B. Pent