Sunday, July 12, 2009


As I knelt before His presence
With my garments wrapped in shame
I could not look up to heaven
For I knew I was to blame.

Then the Lamb of God incarnate
Stood in robes of spotless white
As His holy justice vanquished
All pretence before His sight.

Then His words of love came flowing
From above the Mercy Seat
Where the nail prints of His justice
Offered grace for my defeat.

Tears of anguish broke upon me
Waves of guilt exposed my soul
As repentance ceased my wanderings
I became as white as snow.

Shouts of praise began to fill me
Freedom's song began to flow
As the honor and the Glory
Came to Christ Who loved me so.
--B. Pent

1 comment:

Charae Spafford said...


That is an inexpressibly beautiful poem! It is such a thought provoking way of recounting the "old sweet story" of our redemption through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Perhaps one day (a long, long time from now) you will be writing the songs that the angels sing in heaven. I know that in that day all of us will have a new song in our hearts that will overflow at the throne of Christ. It is just nice to get a taste of heaven's song here on earth in the praises that you write to our glorious Redeemer. Keep writing, Papa.