Monday, July 13, 2009


I feel alone today
I knew you could not stay
I saw you walk away
You said, "I have to go!"

I wander in the dark
Each day we are apart
And leave my lonely heart
You say, "I will return?"

But time has had its chance
As chimes begin to dance
I dream as in a trance
You're coming back to me.

But morning shines its light
So radiant and bright
I know it is not right
You stay away so long!

But I will wait for you
And if the promise true
Should spark our love anew
My hopes will be fulfilled.

Until that day appears
I will await with cheers
Then all my dreams and fears
Will fade in your embrace.
--B. Pent

1 comment:

Tessa D. Silvas said...

Salutations, Mr. Pent!

Goodness--that was a good poem! It reminded me of the rewards of keeping ones self pure for their future spouse. Sometimes the wait is long and hard--but you wouldn't trade the rewards for ANYTHING!

I'm so glad you were able to find my blog! But guess what?! I decided to move my whole blog over to I became a "follower" of your blog! So, if you want to come and see my 'new' blog you can visit it at just go to your followers list and find me there. *smile* I'm really enjoying There is so much more you can do than on HSB!

Did Grandma show you any pictures of the baby? God is so good! Her name is Zipporah and she is SO cute!

I hope you have a blessed day!

In Christ Alone, Tessa