Friday, July 17, 2009


I'm overwhelmed this quiet time
I find it hard to comprehend
That He Who formed the universe
Should stoop to be my Special Friend.

The angels round His throne may sing
Proclaiming glory to the King
But when redemption's work was done
He claimed me as His special son.

The measure of His love proclaims
The door of Grace is open wide
All those who come in Jesus' name
Are subjects of His special Bride.

But why should He have chosen me
A hopeless slave of sin and shame
I cannot understand such grace
But praise His great and awesome name.

So while I'm sitting here alone
Before the presence of His throne
I bow in worship and in praise
Both now and through eternal days.
--B. Pent


Tessa D. Silvas said...

Hello Mr. Pent!

What a beautiful poem! I was wondering if you'd mind if I printed it out to put in my Bible?

The poem reminded me of something the planetarium at the Creation Museum talked about. During the show, they mention about how we, smaller than a speck of dust when looking from way out in space, are cared for by the Creator of the universe! It is so amazing to think about let alone see it for yourself during the planetarium show. God is so good!

~In Christ, Tessa

Benjamin A. Pent said...

Hi Tessa: Anything I write is yours to print and keep or share. It all belongs to the Lord and I try to write it for Him. Thanks for your kind note. All bouquets given to me I give to Him. In His love and mine, Ben