Monday, September 14, 2009


The heathen gods that men have made
Are not the things that charm me most.
The idols that surround my world
Are often subtle, blameless hosts.

I think of family, money, too
Of cars and clothes to name a few.
But deeper till the Serpent's charm
That sex and drugs pose little harm.

Yet while I judge another's fate
I have a greater problem still.
My own propensity to shade
The unrepentance of my will.

I make excuses for mistakes
By pointing out another's faults.
Yet on the throne of my own heart
There sits the idol I won't part.

But when the spotlight of God's Word
Reveals the source of all my sin
I see the anger, gossip game
Has left me weak with oozing pain.

The problem faced along life's way
Is having self dethroned each day.
"So NOW, dear Lord, take full control
Of all my body, heart and soul".
--B. Pent


K.R. Pent said...

Hi, Dad.

I like this poem. Is this a result of contemplating on Dutcher's book? I didn't read your post till now, but wrote on a similar theme on my blog for this past week.

Very good thoughts!

Benjamin A. Pent said...

His book did remind me of the real problem all of us have in trying to give everything over to Him and not making it an idol. At least he got me thinking that direction.
Love you.

Tessa D. Silvas said...

Now Mr. Pent, didn't we just get done talking about using the word 'whatever'? Shame shame. Tsk tsk.

Just kidding!!!! :) *GRIN*

Great poem....they always get me thinking!


Tessa D. Silvas said...

Mr. Pent,

Merry (early) Christmas to you too! :) I think it will be here upon us before we have time to start thinking about it!

I'm glad you liked my pictures. That "leafy" cross picture was taken at Piatt Lake right in front of Miller's Mansion. If you go out on the water a little ways past the dock, then look up at the trees, you're sure to see it. :) It made for a great picture and a wonderful reminder of our Lord.

Hope you are doing well!

In Christ, Tessa

P.S. Did you see my grandparents while you were walking this morning?