The star appeared! The Eastern sky
Burst from its lair as if to shout:
"A Light has dawned! The Day is come!
Prepare the way to birth a Son!"
Before the ages came to be
Eternal plans were set in place
The prophets had foretold His Birth
God's special Gift to men on earth.
The Virgin Mary then was told
That Deity would fill her womb
The Word in flesh became a Son
Emanuel, the promised One!
The shepherds heard the angels sing
That Jesus was that new born King!
Then wise men later saw the star
And came to worship from afar.
"Behold the Lamb of God!" claimed John
Whose blood took on the sinner's curse
Is now the offer of His grace
To every child of Adam's race.
The Star of David is that Light
Who is the Source of truth and life
"Come unto Me" He calls today
He'll walk beside you all the way.
B. Pent
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