Friday, December 15, 2017


The Keeper missed it all!
It was a busy time, you know
With weary travelers needing rest
The Inn was full, he did his best.

The knock seemed out of place
"No vacancy" was clear to all
There was no room left anywhere
For Nazareth folk for him to share.

A noise was heard next door!
The lowing sheep and cattle stall
Was found to be the only place
For God's dear Son to find a space.

The Virgin soon gave birth
Upon a dirty stable floor
The Baby's cry was heard that night
While angels bathed the earth in light.

The Keeper missed it all!
The promised King had come to earth!
Had he but known, would he have shared
Some little space? Would he have cared?

Yet Christmas comes again
And yuletide music fills the air
Stop long enough to hear His voice
He knocks and waits! Make Him your choice.
B. Pent

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