Monday, February 16, 2015


The winds of change are blowing fast
Amidst the graying shades of light
While hearts once burning bright and clear
Are falling prey to dread and fear.

Where is the joy when first we met
The Carpenter of Nazareth
When love tore through a world in shame
And victory conquered in His name?

Is it perchance the world's allure
Has turned our eyes toward other gods
While we refuse to bear His cross
And for His sake count all things loss?

The Trumpet-Call will soon announce
The coming of our Lord and King!
The world will never find their way
Until ablaze, we watch and pray

Lord! Shine upon us once again
Remove the sins that mar Your Name
Restore the Spirit's quickening power
That we may serve each day and hour.

B. Pent

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