You can give without loving but you cannot love without giving. In Matt. 5, Jesus focused on the teaching of the Law: what men should believe about murder, adultery, divorce, taking oaths and loving your enemies. But in chapter 6 He focuses on the practice of the Law: what man does and how he should live. The scribes and Pharisees were good at teaching but their practice was hypocritical (5:20). They were actors on the stage hiding behind a mask of superficiality. True righteousness must be applied in our every day living. In other words, belief and behavior must be in balance.
Jesus teaches in Matt.6:1-4 that if we are to live authentic Christianity, we must check our motives. Motives are everything! Since He knows the thoughts and intents of the heart, the warning is clear: "be careful not to do your deeds of righteousness before men(v.1)." Kingdom ministry that is effective must emulate His principles. Verse 2 warns that the world's principles are built on human achievement: "announce with trumpets to be honored by men." At best man gives from selfish motives and looks for approval. Our nature is "hypocritical." We act as though we serve from pure motives but behind the mask is a desire for "the honor of men" and Jesus warns " you have received your reward."
So how can we serve so that we gain His approval? How do we know we are serving from right motives? Verses 3-4 reminds us that "giving or serving" must flow from a yielded, willing and loving heart. "God so loved that He gave" (John 3:16). Not letting "your right hand know what your left hand is doing" is simply serving without looking for man's approval. Paul puts it succinctly in Phil.1:10-11, "so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruits of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ." So when we serve out of love because of what Jesus did for us and allow His overflowing grace to be our motivation, then we can be assured that what we have done "in secret, the Father who sees what is done in secret, will reward us" (v.4). God wants us to take off the mask (hypocrasy) by living authentic Christian lives and letting "love to be without hypocrasy (Rom.12:6KJV). Remember, motives are everything!
You can give without loving but you cannot love without giving!
It's a truth so often twisted, isn't it? Even in our own lives? Amazing how easy it is to go through the motions at times.
Love it when you share what you're preaching on, Dad!
Excellent post, Dad!
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