Wednesday, December 19, 2018


When Joseph took Mary, gossip spread round:
"Adulterous behavior degrades our small town!"
Explaining the wonder the prophet's foretold
"Was nothing but banter, deceitful and bold!"

But Two types of blood combined in her womb
So every lost sinner be rescued from doom
The embryo carried God's unblemished Seed
While Mary's blood carried the curse of sin's deed.

A Bethlehem stable was Jesus' first home
The animal crib was the seat of His throne
Amazement was felt as they looked on His face
His eyes full of love glowed with mercy and grace.

The shepherds who saw Him gave glory to God
The Wise Men, in worship, gave honor and laud
This Christmas, in honor of Jesus your King
Receive His Salvation, redemption from sin.
Ben Pent

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