Friday, January 4, 2013


Vision Reference Parallels Basic Explanation
The Red-horse Rider Among the Myrtle Trees 1:7-17 10:8-9;12:6-9;14:11 The Angel of the Lord (pre-incarnate Christ) is angry at the nations oppressing Israel.
The Four Horns and the Four Workmen 1:18-21 9:1-8;12:1-6;14:1-3
The 4 empires that oppressed and scattered Judah. The 4 workmen are those God uses to judge and destroy these empires.
The Man with a Measuring Line Chpt 2 9:9-17;
God's future unlimited blessing on restored-Israel and Jerusalem.
Clean Garments for the High Priest Chpt 3 10:2-3

Joshua's filthy garments represents Israel's sin, but God extends cleansing and new clean garments based on His mercy and grace.
The Golden Lamp Stand and the Two Olive Trees Chpt 4 10:4-12;

Israel was chosen to be His light, but idolatry darkened the way. Christ's return as Messiah-King-Priest will restore that light.
The Flying Scroll 5:1-4 11;

Represents God's broken Law and its consequence.
The Woman in a Basket 5:5-11 14:12-15
Sin is traced to its source, Shinar/Babylon, where in the garden sin entered and from the tower of Babel sin proliferated. God destroys Babylon according to Rev 17-18.
The Four Chariots 6:1-8 14:16-19 The four angels of the Apocalipse ride out in judgment as the Nations move toward Armageddon.
The Crowing of Joshua 6:9-15 14:4-9,20-21
The crowning of Joshua symbolizes the second coming of Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords.


Leisel Spafford said...

OH! These outlines/charts all look very familiar!! ;)

I luv the new Piatt pic, Papa!! It looks like a fairyland!!!

Benjamin A. Pent said...

Thanks for your comment, Leisel... You will note that I have changed a couple of things to make it clearer.