Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The decision to accept Christ's redemptive work on our behalf
is God's way of positionally placing us back before Adam sinned
(Eph.1:4),into the second Adam through the Spirit of Adoption
(Gal.4:5;Rom.8:15). With justice satisfied (Rom.3:24), the
Father now sees us through His Son: saved from the penalty of
sin and one day, from sin's presence. It is the only way a sinner
can enter heaven without his sin. "As in Adam all die, so in Christ
all will be made alive" (I Cor.15:22). Each of us must choose:
either pay the penalty for our sin or accept Christ's payment on
our behalf. One leads to eternal separation in hell; the other to
eternal life in heaven. There is no neutral ground.


Leisel Spafford said...

AMEN, Papa!!! :)

K.R. Pent said...

We were just "revisiting" this in church today in Paul's testimony before Felix in Acts.

I also was reading in a book we published about Satan. The chapter discussed how Adam failed as caretaker of the world, so Satan took over. It was a new thought and not sure it's accurate, but loved then considering that the New Adam stole that rulership away from Satan through His death and resurrection and will one day have everything under His feet.

We can't be reminded too often of why we are here and what is at stake.

Thanks, Dad. I love you!