Saturday, January 29, 2011

Zechariah 1:7-17 - The Man Among The Myrtle Trees

The curtain rises with a start!

A rider on a horse appears
And stands among some myrtle trees
Where other colored steeds are seen.

But who is he who stands alone?
And why do angel riders roam?
It is the Angel of the Lord
Whose word is like a piercing sword.

The sweating steeds had just returned
Patrolling earth's remotest end
And found the world at peace and rest
While Judah still remained oppressed.

Then in the valley of despair
A voice is heard in fervent prayer
As God the Son stands in their place
Imploring Yahweh for His grace.

The Lord spoke kind and loving words
With promises they would be heard
His Temple will again be raised
With Israel's shout: "the Lord be praised!"
--B. Pent


1. The first thing Zechariah sees is a rider on a red horse standing in a ravine (v.9). Who is this rider (v.11) and what might "the ravine" suggest
about where Israel found itself at this time?
2. What is a "christophany" and why would He appear as an angel and not man as indicated in John 1:14?
3. Since we are not told the meaning of these colored steeds (v.8b), what do the colored horses in Revelation 6:1-7 represent and might there be
some parallel? Do you wonder if perhaps they are the same? Why? or Why not?
4. Verse 12 pictures the Angel of the Lord praying to Yahweh on behalf of suffering Israel. We find a similar passage in John 17 between Jesus
and His Father. How should this encourage us during our times of greatest need?

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