The Book of Isaiah is a miniature Bible. It has 66 chapters and the Bible has 66 Books. Isaiah is divided into two parts, so different that scholars have concluded there must have been two Isaiahs. The Bible is also divided into two parts.
There are 39 chapters in the first part of Isaiah, corresponding to the 39 books of the Old Testament; 27 chapter in the latter part of Isaiah, corresponding to the 27 books of the New Testament.
The first 39 chapter of Isaiah speak of sin, condemnation, judgment and restoration and the OT speaks of sin, condemnation, judgment and restoration. The latter part of Isaiah speaks of redemption, the redeemed and the Redeemer. The NT also speaks of redemption, the redeemed and the Redeemer.
Now, if there are 27 chapter in the latter part of Isaiah, that means there is a central chapter (an odd number always indicated a central number) and that is the 53rd. Christ and His work occupy the central place in the latter part of Isaiah and Christ and Him crucified occupies the central place in the New Testament. The latter part of Isaiah starts with a voice crying in the wilderness (chpt.40); and the NT starts with a voice crying in the wilderness (John the Baptist).
In the latter part of Isaiah there are two chapters starting with the word "who:" the 53rd and 63rd. The 53rd is all about Christ's first coming and what He came to do; the 63rd is all about His second coming and what He is coming to do: to judge. The New Testament likewise tells of Messiah's first coming as Redeemer and later He explains His coming to judge the earth.
There are two chapter starting with the letter "C," the 40th and the 58th. The 40th chapter and verse 1 starts, "Comfort, comfort, my people, says your God." The 58th chapter and verse 1 states, "Shout it loud, do not hold back, raise your voice like a trumpet. Declare to my people their rebellion and to the house of Jacob their sins." Thus, Scripture is both a comfort and encouragement to those who diligently seek Him and a warning of wrath to come for those who neglect so great a salvation.
Wow! Love the parallels. Thanks for this post dad.
I know the chapter and verse numbers aren't inspired, but neither do I believe in coincidences. Isn't it great how creatively God works so that there is always "aha" moments studying His Word?
These insights always excite me to study more. Thank you!
Papa! I loved that poem you wrote in the last post. It was so good. I love your poetry. They say in order to be a good poet, you got to read poetry, so I'll just read yours :)
I had heard that seven year girl sing too and thought it was amazing! She can go so high! I love it. Thanks for the comment you left on my blog...there always so encouraging.
Love your,
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