Tuesday, February 16, 2010


The door is closing on your Land
I keep on knocking to come in
But you have shut your heart to Me
I can no longer bear your sin

Your Nation stood upon My Word
A strong foundation built on truth
Your leaders sought to fear My name
And would not waver from its roots.

Your land became a Promised Land
Where milk and honey blessed the world
And all who came found hope and peace
As Lady Liberty foretold.

Then fame and fortune turned your head
While prayer no longer filled your thoughts
The Bible soon was put aside
And "self" became the object sought.

Now shame and violence fills your streets
With homes and schools all torn apart
And human life no longer bears
The image of My loving heart.

I weep for you as judgment calls
For retribution to begin
My Spirit is no longer there
To intercede because of sin.

But I'll keep knocking at your door
I long to come and heal your Land
But you must call upon My name
And in repentance take your stand.
--B. Pent


Tessa D. Silvas said...

Very good poem! I enjoyed it, and you are right! In America we have it so wonderfully good, and it is only by the grace of God that are are here and living in a free land. It is sad that America is in the state that it is in today, and hopefully soon we, as a nation, will turn our hearts back to our Father.

Sorry for not commenting too often, Mr. Pent! Life seems to get busy sometimes! Bapa and Grandma keep me filled in when they see you! I was bummed a few weeks ago when I found out that your church doesn't record it's sermons--I would have loved to listen to you speak!

Blessings to ya!

Heather said...

Beautiful, Papa! I love it! :) I have a new poem. Take a look and let me know what you think! ;)