Friday, December 11, 2009


A thousand gifts may come your way
To bring you joy this Christmas day
With brilliant lights around the tree
For every boy and girl to see.
Yet if you miss the One who came
No other joy is there to claim.

Sweet carols fill the ethereal sky
Like angel choirs once sang on high
With peace on earth to every man
The Christmas story fills the land.
Yet fear can only be a part
If Christ no longer rules the heart.

As busy shoppers seek to find
The perfect gift with love in mind
A voice breaks through life's empty space
"Give Christ a chance to fill its place."
For if you fail to crown Him King
There is no lasting peace within.

God's greatest Gift came down to earth
So man can have redemption's Birth
He is enough, so please take heed
Receive His Son, that's all you need.
Then you will find fulfilled in Him
Life's deepest joy without, within.
--B. Pent


K.R. Pent said...

I like your poem, Dad!

Tessa D. Silvas said...

Hello Mr. Pent!

What a lovely poem! You always have such lovely words to put into the form of poetry--and I always enjoy them!

Well, Mr. Pent......I guess if you say not to be afraid of that picture in the basement...I guess I'll TRY not to be. **grin**

Do you live in the UP all year? Are you enjoying the snow? Please send some our way!

Because HE is Good, Tessa

Mike Pent said...

I really like this one Dad. Thanks for sharing it with us.