Wednesday, May 27, 2009


The desert winds
Begin to blow
The clouds of rain
All gathered know
That trees can never
Give forth fruit
Without the moisture
At its root.

The flowers bursting
From their buds
Are clear reminders
Of God's love
Its blazing colors
Show His grace
By bringing joy
To Adam's race.

So why must we
Complain at all
When storm clouds come
To test the soul
Christ is alive
And knows our need
He ever lives
To intercede.

So lift the bareness
Of your soul
And let the floods
Begin to flow.
Rich fruit will yield
The harvest grain
Resulting from
The later rain.
--B. Pent

Monday, May 25, 2009


The other day, a friend let me hold a small devise with a weak electric current. Its tingling sensation flowed through my body like harmless ripples. But suddenly my mind took me back some 30 years. I was scrubbing the church's gym floor with an old, donated commercial scrubber whose 100-foot cord periodically showed exposed wire. While holding the metal handles and in bare feet, I was unaware that part of the cord lay under an inch of sudsy water. Without notice, the 220-volt electric current made me its ground with its full power surging through my body. I was totally consumed and controlled by it! My stiffened body couldn't let go! Soon I blacked out and letting go, I hit the floor full-force, jolting my heart back to normal.

The Disciples felt God's power when sent out to do His bidding. But too often it was short-lived! Bickering, posturing and denials were mute evidence that the Divine Current was with them but not fully in them. Jesus made it clear that they would "receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them" (Acts 1:8). Fifty days after the resurrection, while His followers were in the Upper Room praying, the Flame of God's Spirit engulfed them in permanent, supernatural, indwelling power. The Day of Pentecost became the launching pad for His Spirit-empowered Church.

Over 2000 years of church history has gone by and the message of Pentecost still cries out for His followers to serve under His full control. Too often we are content with the tingling sensation of limited Power. The full exposure of our will to His limitless power is the one Source that draws men to Him.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Nations representing the G-20 are moving closer to a one world monetary system! The E.E.U. headquartered in Belgium are restructuring the boundaries, which will ultimately revive the old Roman Empire! World religions are suggesting common ground for coalition through compromise! Escalating tensions in the Middle East call for some solution for world peace! Wars, famines, earthquakes, and extra terrestrial phenomenon are on the rise!

The Beast is coming to life! The 10 toes of the metallic robot in Nebuchadnezzar's dream; the indescribable Beast in Daniel's vision and John's 10-horned monster rising out of the sea, suggest that the last act on the stage of human history is moving toward its climax. Paul makes it clear that "the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed" (2 Thess.2:5-8). Who is this "lawless one" and what is keeping him from being fully revealed? When the Spirit-indwelt Church is removed, this Beast will appear on the world-stage as The Antichrist.

Don't be fooled! Be Informed! Its all in the Bible!

Friday, May 15, 2009


Reflections of love
Like ripples
In time
Reaching shore
Take me home.

I wind the clock
And memories
Wiping tears
In lullabies
Make me secure.

The dew of morning
Hanging helplessly
Flows together
In streams of grace
And youth is strong.

I see the old oak
Bent with time
As leaves begin to fall
But firm.

Yesterday's hopes
Planted in springtime
Yield blooms
Of purpose
While the graying
At sunset
Beckons her
To yonder Shore
This priceless gift
My mother.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Once I was lost
In darkness bound
Through grace in Christ
New life I found
The sting of death
For me was paid
The greatest price
For sin was made.

New glory shines
In every part
Since Christ my Lord
Came in my heart
The blackest sin
The darkest night
Has blown away
Before His sight.

Now grace divine
In every task
Fills all the need
For which I ask
Since I have found
This Lord of love
I'll gladly serve
This God above.

How glad I am
My sin was paid
How glad I am
A Ransom made
Oh what a song
I now can sing
Happy and free
Redeemed from sin