Friday, March 24, 2017


I followed Christ along life's way
It was so sweet to hear His voice
But then I failed to watch and pray
And soon I wandered far away...
Until I caught His eye.

I warmed up by the flame of sin
And failed to own my sinful pride
It was so innocent a thing
To find excuse and try to hide...
Until I caught His eye.

I felt my soul all torn apart
I had no lasting peace within
Then bitter tears flowed from my heart
When I confessed my guilt and sin...
Because I caught His eye.

I'm sorry Lord I turned away
I did not mean to go astray
Return Your joy within my heart
And never more from me depart.
--B. Pent

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Before the worlds were flung in space
A Master plan was put in place
Omniscience saw the fall of man
God would provide a Spotless Lamb!

When sin had marred earth's paradise
And skins were used to cover shame
Its blood, a symbol of the price 
One day The Lamb would sacrifice. 

Before Egyptian slaves were freed
Each Israelite would kill a lamb 
The door posts where the blood was spread
Meant no one in that home was dead.            

The Law and offerings that were made
Spoke of the promise that one day 
A perfect Lamb would shed His blood  
The sacrifice of Grace and Love         

When John stood by the Jordan shore
And saw the Lord come into view
Aware He was the Son of Man
He cried aloud: “Behold the Lamb!”

Upon the Cross the Lamb of God
Poured out His blood, redemption's price
So every one who comes by faith
Can have the gift of saving grace.

When Christ returns to earth again
The Lamb will rule as Sovereign King
In faithfulness and truth He'll reign
And all the world will praise His name.
B. Pent

Saturday, March 18, 2017


The clock of time that filled our days
With gifts of pain combined with praise
Were heaven's thorns to lead our path
To where sweet flowers always last.

Dear grieving loved ones left on shore
The home we've loved, we've traded for
The sounds and sights beyond compare
A place our Savior planned with care.

We heard the songs the angels sing
We felt the stirring of their wings
I wish you could have seen that sight
While heading Home, our upward flight!

We saw the lights within the Gate
The call to come! we could not wait!
For in the endless arms of grace
We felt a welcome to that Place.

The curse of death has been removed
All tears have ceased to flow today
Now in the presence of the King
We have no need for anything.
B. Pent


I grieve for me beside your grave
I want to give one last farewell
There are so many little things
That I just long to tell.

So if from heaven's portal gate
You're given one more fleeting glance
To look upon my lonely heart
Please give me one more chance.

Remember when we pledged our troth
When virgin love burst forth in bloom?
Our hearts began to beat as one
Each evening, morning, noon.

Then hand-in-hand we walked life's road
We built our castle strong and true
Where happy children learned to grow
And trust our blessed Savior, too.

Then time began to speed its course
The nest was empty once again
We used our gifts to serve the Lord
For He had promised great reward.

But since you left my aching heart
Your touch of love is felt no more
So I must tread life all alone
Until we meet on yonder Shore.

So tell me dearest, if you can
Since there's a mansion just for you
Could I stop by your open door
For just a glance or two?

Life's comfort would sustain me then
While you wait there for me
And when death's angel calls me Home
We'll share eternity.
--B. Pent

Saturday, March 11, 2017


Pain knocked upon my door today
I did not ask it to come in
Yet suddenly it pushed its way
An uninvited guest within.

I sought for comfort in distress
A balm to ease the ache and pain
But cries for mercy and relief
Were unattended and in vain.

So why this cross of heavy weight
Be given me so weak and frail?
Must this be carried to my grave
Without some purpose to avail?

Twas then a vision came to light
A Man of sorrows crushed by blows
Was seen with nails and blood-stained brow
So by His stripes real healing flows.

God's every purpose will prevail
His nail-pierced hands reach from above
So those who seek His healing touch
May find through you His grace and love.
--B. Pent

Monday, March 6, 2017


The winter's chill seems here to stay
The sound of joy has taken flight
The sun that once shown bright and clear
Has given way to shades of night.

The wounds are deep that pierce the soul
The cooing of the Dove is gone
The empty space that once was filled
No longer hears the blue bird's song.

How can one find the road back home
Where music calls the heart to dance?
When will the birds begin to sing
So Spring is not a game of chance?

The summer rays that warm the soul
Are Spirit borne on wings of praise
Just trust the One Whose promise stands
His music will renew your days.
--B. Pent