Wednesday, January 29, 2014


JOY met HAPPINESS one day
Along the rock-strewn path of life
The answer they both sought to find
Was how to gain real peace of mind.

Each one was given time to choose
In trials that would test their faith
The daily strength that JOY embraced
Was trusting God's fulfilling grace.

But verdant fields drew HAPPINESS
Where earthly toys and pleasures lay
The search for gain and earthly store
Became the quest for wanting more.

When time began to test the soul
While facing pressures all around
Their choice revealed if trust and faith
Was found in God's abundant grace.

JOY early learned to trust God's Word
Whose promise He would always keep
If heaven's kingdom became first
He then would quench all earthly thirst.

By chance they met another day.
The searching heart of HAPPINESS
Expressed a need to find a way
To fill that void that leads astray.

God's simple plan was then revealed
For earthly things that weigh the soul.
JOY fills the vacuum of each heart
Where Christ becomes a living part.
--B. Pent

Monday, January 13, 2014


Today you walk life's path alone
And sorrow tempts your heart to fear
Your shattered dreams drive faith from sight
While in the dark you seek for light.

God feels your pain! He sees your tears!
It is the cross He chose for you
He'll help you bear the strain and stress
While passing through this wilderness.

He is the Rock on which to stand
His Word, the Light that marks the way
His promised peace will rule your heart
As faithfully you do your part.

So ask Him now to light your path
Your night will yield a brighter day
He'll carry you with gentle hand
As you fulfill His perfect plan.
--B. Pent

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


"Poetry is when emotion has found its thought and the    thought has found its words" (Robert Frost)

"Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks" 


"Poetry is an echo asking a shadow to dance" 

 (Carl Sandberg)

"Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words"

(Edger Alan Poe)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


       (Daniel 2 & 7)
Were you ever asleep
and awoke with a start
by a dream that seemed real
with some monster at your heel?
With a sudden surprise
as I opened my eyes
some giant-like screen
dropped down from the skies.

I sat there amazed
like a vision ablaze
there were beasts coming near
and I shuddered with fear.
there were lions and bears
with a leopard around
yet no one to rescue
no help to be found.

Then a monster-like Beast
indescribably cruel
with ten horns on it head
arose to its feet
and like Rome with its iron
in league with the clay
it was weakened in strength
and began to decay.

Looking closer I found
in the midst of its horns
a master-deceiver
proclaimed as the Christ
arose from this vision
like a demon from hell
and with wondrous signs
began to foretell

The world was amazed
that this leader from Rome
could so quickly arise
to Europe's gold throne
but a treaty of peace
was signed with the Jews
and the Temple was built
with deception it's ruse.

Then a Dragon was seen
with its fury unleashed
with destruction and death
causing pain and distress
knowing soon his demise
would reveal his disguise
with the kingdoms of earth
giving way to new birth.

Then a Stone could be seen
rolling down from a cliff
making scum of this Frame
bringing Nations to shame
for the word of His mouth
will make dust of this clod
and the earth will give birth
to the kingdom of God.

Then the heavens rejoiced
as the King took His throne
with the Bride at His side
who in Christ did atone
for a thousand year reign
the rule of His peace
will spread through the earth
and all wars will then cease.
--B. Pent

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


       In Luke 21:24-28, Jesus gives us one of the clearest indicators we are near the end of the world: “there will be signs in the sun, moon and stars.” Earlier, Joel foretells a time when God will “show wonders in the heavens and on earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke; the sun would be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord” (Joel 2:30-31). The prophet Isaiah foretelling this same event warns: “the day of the Lord is coming with wrath and fierce anger...the stars of heaven and their constellations will not show their light...the moon will not give its light” (Isaiah 13:9-10). Jeremiah calls it: “the time of Jacob's trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7). Then on the Isle of Patmos, the Apostle John writes down what the angel heard was under the 6th seal: “the sun turned black like sackcloth, the whole moon turned blood red(Revelation 6:12).
       Blood Moons take place when the moon appears red during to a lunar eclipse. A solar eclipse occurs when the earth comes between the sun and the moon resulting in darkness. But when the earth comes between the sun and the moon, the dusty air surrounding our Earth reddens and its reflection gives the moon a blood red appearance.
      Blood Moons have taken place throughout history but when four consecutive lunar eclipses occur, falling on Jewish Holy days, termed Blood Moon Tetrads, some significant event relating to the Jewish people seems imminent. NASA has identified four Blood Moons occurring in 2014 and 2015. The first will take place on April 15, 2014 which falls on the Jewish Passover Feast; the second falls on October 8, 2014on the Feast of Tabernacles/Harvest; the third will appear on April 4, 2015 on the Jewish Passover; and the fourth takes place September 28, 2015 during their Feast of Tabernacles/Harvest. There will not be any other Blood Moon Tetrads until after the end of this Millennium which is some 985 years away! In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus made it clear that when history's end time signs converge on a generation with Israel at the center of worldwide anti-Semitic conflict, the final drama on the stage of human history has begun its final count-down.
      Some interesting question naturally come to mind: Why these four Tetrads in such succession? Why do they fall on Jewish Holidays? If prophecy puts Israel on center stage in the end times, what significance do these possible converging signs indicate and how shall we then live?
     As we begin this New Year, we need to refocus on our mission in view of the end times! Jesus is coming soon! In fact, He Himself tells us that when all these things begin to take place: “lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:28).

The “night is coming when no man can work!” Lets keep running well until we hear Him say: “well done, good and faithful servant!”